Delivery Information
You can trust that your order will be processed quickly and delivered securely. Most shipping rates are estimated automatically through our website. We can ship products anywhere in the world using a shipping method of your choice. When you place an order, we will estimate a delivery date based on product availability, selected shipping method, and the destination of your shipment. Our shipping charges are determined by the weight, volume and total amount of your order, excluding applicable sales tax. If there is a large price difference in shipping costs, you will be notified before the order is processed. If you have special shipping instructions or questions, please contact us before ordering.
Shipping Schedule
We usually process orders within 2 – 3 days, due to worldwide shipping from Asia, each order from different countries processing time will be different depending on the shipping company. , in order to optimize shipping cost savings for customers, we will link up with many different shipping companies, each company will specialize in shipping to a number of countries, this will save shipping costs.